About Us
CBT Australia acknowledges the traditional owners of the lands of Australia. We give respect to their elders past, present and emerging and respect to any indigenous people that we work with.
We appreciate the rich cultural diversity in Australian society and strive to understand how this is reflected in our interactions with those who seek our assistance.
CBT Australia has a philosophy of unconditional self, other and life acceptance that guides our work with clients as we help them to become emotionally healthy and resilient.
The CBT Australia team of clinical psychologists and clinical psychology registrars all have post graduate training in psychology, particularly clinical psychology. The CBT Australia team strives for excellence in our therapy and teaching, using approaches that have been shown by research to be effective in helping alleviate emotional and behavioural problems.
Our Psychologists
All CBT Australia’s Psychologists are registered with Australian Health Practitioners Regulation Agency (AHPRA).
The Clinical Psychologists in the CBT Australia team have advanced training in clinical psychology and are skilled to work with the more severe psychological problems. A number of the Psychologists have had advanced training in educational and developmental psychology. The health Psychologists in the team have advanced training to help people with the psychological aspects of physical health problems.
Director of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Australia
BSc (Hons), DipEd, MBSc, PhD, FAPS (FCClinP, FCEDP)
Psychologist and Educational & Developmental Psychology Registrar
BA(Psych), BPsych(Hons), MPsych(Ed&Dev)
BSocSci(Psych), PGradDipPsych, MPP, MPPP, DPsych(Clin) (candidate), Assoc MAPS
Psychologist and Clinical Psychology Registrar
BPsychSci, BPsych(Hons), MPsych(Clinical), Assoc MAPS
Our Trainers
CBT Australia offers opportunities to train with international therapists of the highest calibre in the field.
CBT Australia has strong links to the International Association for REBT. CBT Australia's local trainers are experienced clinicians in their own right, adding the dimension of their rich case experience to the presentations and training.
Director of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Australia
BSc (Hons), DipEd, MBSc, PhD, FAPS (FCClinP, FCEDP)
MA (PsychStud), MN (Mental Health), BN, BA, DipAppSc (Nur), BCETS, Associate Fellow NYIRET,MCNA, MACMHN, RN